Phase 3 Food Retail/Commercial Kitchen Space — Apply to be an operator!
One of the goals of Hunters View Phase III is to bring food retail to the Hunters View community and support the economic empowerment of Hunters View and HOPE SF residents. That’s why the John Stewart Company, Devine & Gong, and Ridge Point — in partnership with HOPE SF — is inviting applications for a food business operator to occupy and operate a commercial kitchen and food retail space that will be located in Block 17 of Hunters View Phase III.
We are looking for applicants who are interested and able to operate a high-quality food retail space that will provide delicious, affordable, and healthy food for the families that live in and work at Hunters View and in the surrounding neighborhoods. A commitment to supporting Hunters View residents through hiring and training programs is also required, particularly if the applicant is not a current HOPE SF resident.
Hunters View residents, other current HOPE SF residents, and residents of Bayview-Hunters Point and District 10 are strongly encouraged to apply. Mentorship (including support with responding to this RFP) is available to applicants who have less experience operating a Food Business. For more details, please reach out to [email protected].
The Request for Proposals and application materials can be downloaded here. Applications are due via email on November 30, 2022 at 5:00 PM. For questions, please reach out to the team at [email protected].
Phase 3 Park Video Presentation and Survey
The John Stewart Company, Devine & Gong, and Ridge Point continue to work on the plans for Hunters View Phase III, which will include two new buildings of affordable housing and a large park for the neighborhood – and we want to hear what YOU think about the new park design!
If you take the survey and share your address, you will be entered into a raffle for a $150 Visa gift card. You can remain anonymous if you prefer, but if you do not share your address, we cannot enter you into the raffle. JSCo Property Management will not have access to your individual answers.
Since we cannot hold in-person meetings safely during this time, we have put together this short video that presents more drawings of the park and also shares some updates on the Phase III buildings.
After watching the video, share your feedback on this survey:
The park plans are in the early stages, so your feedback on this survey will help us understand how we can best build a park that meets of the needs of the entire Hunters View community. We will share the results of this survey and updated park design drawings in fall 2022.
Resident Parking & Transportation Survey
Thank you to everyone who took the Parking & Transportation Survey! The team is analyzing the responses and will share a summary of everything we heard from you — as well as the steps forward for improving parking and transportation at Hunters View — in fall 2022.
Upcoming 2021 Street Vacation
The JSCo Development Team is working with DPW, MOHCD, HOPE SF and Supervisor Walton’s office to process a street vacation for the old dead-ends of Wills Street, Hare Street, and West Point Road.
This street vacation process transfers temporary ownership of the streets to JSCo so the team can reconfigure the street grid and build the new streets for the Phase 3 affordable housing. The street vacation will take effect in early 2021.
This process will not impact the availability of on-street parking.
Youth Engagement

Left: A SF NOMA volunteer works with a Malcolm X student on a model for Youth Park. Right: Malcolm X students participating in Young People’s Think Tank share their work on Hunters View
A core tenet of HOPE SF is that the community must be engaged for neighborhood and public housing transformation efforts to be successful. Youth, who make up nearly 50% of the current Hunters View population, are essential to this effort.
With funding from the Bay Tree Fund and support from the Center for Cities and Schools of UC Berkeley, Hunters View Associates commissioned Dr. Shirl Buss to establish the Young People’s Think Tank with Malcolm X Academy (a nearby elementary school) for students ages 6-11. Dr. Buss engaged students in the revitalization process by linking their work to the planning for the neighboring Youth Park and then-unbuilt Phase I park, now known as Promontory Park. Volunteers from the San Francisco chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects assisted with in-class teaching and professional mentorship at Malcolm X Academy.
Hunters View Associates and the Mayor’s Office of Housing also partnered with UC Berkeley’s Center for Cities and Schools to implement the Y-PLAN tool (Youth-Plan, Learn, Act, Now) for high school students at Hunters View. Several HOPE SF Youth Leaders were hired in 2010 to engage in the design and program planning for the Phase I Park and adjacent community space.

HOPE SF Youth Leaders from Hunters View draw design inspiration from Yerba Buena Park.
The video below gives some background on the work of Hunters View HOPE SF Youth Leaders and Malcolm X students in designing the Phase I park and community space. The park and community space were completed in 2013.
Notes from 2006-2012 Resident Meetings
Available here.